We make a unique Gemmart with many features
and offers everything you need! Choose one of the demos.
Gemmart comes with over 18 Homepages and so much more. You can check all our pages from the menu. In here, we show you list of home pages and their features.
Included Best Extensions
Mega menu
Magento portfolio
Blog for Magento 2
Store location
Ajax cart pro
Shop by brand
Product tabs
Ajax Layer Navigation
Magento banners
Front - End CMS Page Builder
With 36+ block elements. Allowing you to edit CMS pages effortlessly & visually at front-end.
As a result, you
can see what you've performed instantly whether it is a minimal adjustment right on
user interface. No coding knowledge requires.
Our Core Features
Powerful features and inclusions, which makes Gemmart standout,
easily customizable and scalable.
Smothly Hover Effects
Effect 1
Effect 2
Effect 3
Effect 4
Different Page Style Layouts
Amazing Header and Footer Layouts
Gemmart includes multiple pre-configured header layouts to choose from.
Each with its own look and set of options that allow you to customize it to fit your site design.